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Finest Quality Decorative Plywood
and Woodworking Materials

Quality wood products from around the world.

InterGlobal Forest Overview

Offering various kinds of high quality MDF since 1998.

Spanolux Overview About InterGlobal Forest

Spanolux Fire Retardant Products

High quality fire retardant MDF board

Spanolux offers a wide range of certified MDF panels that minimize the spread of flame and smoke.

Fibralux FR
Fibralux FR
Fire retardant
Fibrabel FR
Fibrabel FR
Lighter density, Fire retardant
Fibralux MR FR NAF
Fibralux MR FR NAF
Fire retardant. moisture resistant (MR50), NAF
Special OrderFibrabel MR FR NAF
Fibrabel MR FR NAF
Lighter density, fire retardant, moisture resistanet (MR50), NAF